Reasons To Distribute

If you attend or live near a university campus, you can help The Undercurrent achieve our goal of spreading Ayn Rand’s ideas to tomorrow’s leaders.

Reasons to Distribute

The Undercurrent is distributed by many different types of people, for a wide range of reasons. Some distributors are motivated by their recognition that the Undercurrent is an effective way of promoting Ayn Rand’s ideas on campus, a goal which they share. Others have more personal reasons that serve as added motivation. Listed below are three major potential values one can gain from distributing The Undercurrent.


Fighting for the Culture

If you’re an admirer of Ayn Rand, then you understand the power of ideas, and the value of a rational culture. You understand that the way to create a rational culture is to promote a rational philosophy. The first and foremost reason to distribute The Undercurrent is that it is an easy, and effective, way for you to help in this task. For reasons why The Undercurrent is effective, see The Value of Print Publication. By spending just a few minutes here and there dropping off papers to campus newsstands, you can help us bring rational ideas to students everywhere.


Fighting for your Neighborhood

For many people, distributing The Undercurrent has added value because it makes a local impact. By distributing the Undercurrent on your campus or in your neighborhood, you expose the people around you to rational ideas and values, and hopefully get many of them to eventually read Atlas Shrugged. You can thus positively affect the people you interact with on a daily basis—students, teachers, professors, local businessmen and shop owners, parents, etc.


Meeting Like-Minded People

If you run a campus club or community group, distributing The Undercurrent is a great way of generating interest in your club, and attracting more like-minded people. Not only will the paper draw people who already agree with some aspect of Ayn Rand’s thought, but it will also pique the interest of new people who may not have ever thought of the issues discussed in the paper.