Welcome to The Undercurrent

Thrifty Government?

In speeches and press releases, the president has claimed that by assuming greater control over the health care industry, the…

Mr. Mackey on ObamaCare and Freedom

Supporters of President Obama's plans for healthcare "reform" have pledged to boycott the grocery chain Whole Foods.  They are in…

A Misinformed Public?

Across the country, people have been vehemently protesting Obama’s proposal for health care reform.  Thousands have gathered at town hall meetings…

The (False) Logic of Sacrifice

In his latest book, The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty, the philosopher Peter Singer claims…

The Caretaker State?

"It will be hard," President Barack Obama acknowledged in a speech earlier this year to Congress.  But he added, "Let…

Lowering the Poverty Level to Reduce Poverty

What do liberal New York Times' contributors do when the percentage of GDP consumed by ever-increasing government spending grows too…

Help Wanted: “Difference” a Plus

Corporate America was once criticized for its alleged culture of conformity and tacit support of "glass ceilings" preventing minority advancement. …

Can We Be Brainwashed?

Recently President Obama signed into effect a historic piece of legislation that greatly affects the tobacco industry and its customers. …