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We’re Now Taking Orders for the April 2011 Edition!

The newest issue of The Undercurrent (TU) is now available to order! The April 2011 Edition features articles on rethinking…

Enter Our Spring 2011 Distribution Story Contest!

You can win an Amazon.com gift card by sharing your distribution stories with us! Any story we choose to use…

‘Virtual’ Ayn Rand Lecture Coming to a Campus Near You on March 31st!

"Ideas Matter: Ayn Rand's Message to Today's World" is the first-of-its-kind lecture event, during which students across the country will…

Campus Media Response: In Celebration of Inequality

In another hard-hitting piece in MIT’s The Tech, Keith Yost responds to the charge, much discussed of late in connection…

Campus Media Response: Traders, not Traitors

Writing for The Harvard Crimson, Ms. Sandra Korn points to an interesting phenomenon. A large proportion of Harvard’s recent graduates…

Introducing This Issue

Perhaps more so today than in recent memory, many people are acutely aware of the difficult challenges we face both…

From “Yes We Can!” to “Why Bother?”

Rescuing Idealism from Today’s Political Cynics Barack Obama energized an entire generation of young people in 2008 with his declaration,…

“Green” Policies Poison Innovation

How government “encouragement” undermines technological development In recent years, “green energy” has become a major hot-button issue. Advocates argue that…