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Help Support Capitalism Awareness Week!

In his lecture at this summer’s Objectivist conference, Yaron Brook, President of the Ayn Rand Institute, reflected on the first…

Why So Unserious?

A piece in the The New York Times reviews a recent book by Lee Siegel, Are You Serious?: How to…

Announcing The Undercurrent’s Summer Distribution Story Contest Winners!

Congratulations to our Summer 2011 Distribution Story Contest winners! Each winner will receive an Amazon.com gift card. You can view…

Campus Media Response: Opposition to American ideals, not American hypocrisy, is the root of anti-Americanism

“Why do they hate us?” This is the longstanding question revisited by Jonathan Aylward of The Michigan Daily in his…

Kansas Conservatives: Enemies of Individual Freedom in Healthcare?

Recently, Kansas has become a center of controversy between conservatives and liberals on the topic of health care regulation. The…