Welcome to The Undercurrent

Restore the Separation of State and School

When government involves itself in the production of knowledge, it curtails both our liberty to express our beliefs and our…

Check Out These Summer Opportunities to Learn about Ayn Rand’s Ideas

we are always enthusiastic to share news of opportunities to learn more about the Objectivist ideas that inform our editorial…

Spring Semester Paid Internships: Apply Today!

The Undercurrent is currently recruiting two interns to join our growing team. One intern will join our administrative team, focusing…

New Atlas Shrugged Documentary: Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

Through a series of interviews with prominent entrepreneurs and experts on Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, the new documentary Ayn Rand and…

Help Distribute the New TU Flyer on the Occupy Movement

Early in December The Undercurrent published a series of articles . . . analyzing and critiquing the Occupy Wall Street…