A Career in Film: Musings from Michael Paxton
How does an artist apply Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism to his life and work? How do you handle the…
True or False: Your Truth is not My Truth
In a recent piece for The Asheboro Courier-Tribune, College of Charleston student, KimberMarie Faircloth asks the question: “What is truth?”…
Writing Competition: Reporting from The Ayn Rand Student Conference
Attendees of the 2017 Ayn Rand Student Conference are invited to participate in our fall semester writing competition. Competitors will…
Heroes and Hero Worship: An Interview with Dr. Andrew Bernstein
Dr. Andrew Bernstein has taught Philosophy at numerous New York-area universities. In 2016-17, he taught Business Ethics at the American…
Forget Hate, #Resist Collectivism
The #Resist movement is gaining steam on a simple narrative: Donald Trump’s election represents the triumph of bigotry. The man…
Socialized Education and the Ascendancy of Socialism
The Undercurrent is happy to feature this guest post by author Aengus Song. Many today are worried that the liberal…
Free Speech Under Attack: Dave Rubin, Steve Simpson and Flemming Rose Discuss
In 2005, Flemming Rose, then editor of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, published a series of cartoons that were critical of…
Help us Train Objectivist Writers
In the first half of 2017, TU has done some amazing things. We've written about the ever-popular topics of Donald Trump, fake…
Objectivity and the News: A Conversation with Ben Bayer and Greg Salmieri
“Some people follow the news as if it were sports. They have a team that they want to root…