Welcome to The Undercurrent

Jared S.

Fall Paid Internships: Apply Today!

The Undercurrent is always looking for the right people to join our growing team.

Summer Paid Internships: Apply Today!

The Undercurrent is always looking for the right people to join our growing team.

Spring Semester Paid Internships: Apply Today!

The Undercurrent is currently recruiting two interns to join our growing team. One intern will join our administrative team, focusing…

Capitalism Awareness Week Starts Tuesday!

We kickoff Capitalism Awareness Week tomorrow. We'll have a week of events through next Tuesday. Visit our mini-site for more…

Preview the Fall Issue!

Our Fall edition goes to press on Wednesday. Get your orders in by Tuesday, September 6th! This semester's issue of…

Help Support Capitalism Awareness Week!

In his lecture at this summer’s Objectivist conference, Yaron Brook, President of the Ayn Rand Institute, reflected on the first…

Ayn Rand Contra Jesus?

In the wake of the release of the Atlas Shrugged movie, Ayn Rand's prominence in the culture has increased, and…

‘Virtual’ Ayn Rand Lecture Coming to a Campus Near You on March 31st!

"Ideas Matter: Ayn Rand's Message to Today's World" is the first-of-its-kind lecture event, during which students across the country will…

Spring 2009 Articles Posted

We've now posted the content of our upcoming issue on the home pageof our website. Articles in this issue investigate:…

The Republican Party’s Identity Crisis

In the aftermath of the substantial Democratic victory in last November’s election, Republicans nationwide are reported to be doing a…