Valery Publius
Progress is Optional
The source of technology and prosperity—the free human mind—is unshackled only under capitalism Would you give up the Internet for…
Why So Unserious?
A piece in the The New York Times reviews a recent book by Lee Siegel, Are You Serious?: How to…
40 Years of Protecting Us from Ourselves
This week marks the 40th Anniversary of the "War on Drugs," first declared by President Richard Nixon, who subsequently created…
Why Obama is No Longer Cool on Campus
The Atlantic Wire carries a story about a recent poll by the National Journal showing that Obama's popularity ratings have…
Campus Media Response: Can’t Find a Job this Summer? Take Some Time to Brush up on Economics
In an aptly-titled piece in the University of Florida’s Alligator (“As orchestra plays, U.S. economy sinks”), Chris Ceresa reminds college…
To Cultivate Civil Discourse, Encourage Intellectual “Polarization”
After the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, some left-leaning commentators were quick to suggest that the shooter must have been…
Campus Media Response: Obama, like Bush, Abdicates American Interests in War
Perhaps because Barack Obama ran for president as a critic of George Bush’s war policy, defenders of the administration have…
Campus Media Response: In Celebration of Inequality
In another hard-hitting piece in MIT’s The Tech, Keith Yost responds to the charge, much discussed of late in connection…
From “Yes We Can!” to “Why Bother?”
Rescuing Idealism from Today’s Political Cynics Barack Obama energized an entire generation of young people in 2008 with his declaration,…
Campus Media Response: Wisconsin Protestors: Fighting for the Privilege to Count Themselves as the “Public”
Newly-elected Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, buoyed by Republican majorities in both houses of the state legislature, has proposed a dramatic…