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Campus Media Response: False Alternatives are not Sexy

Dawn Eden Speaks at Aquinas House, February 27, 2009 The Dartmouth Review Dartmouth University Sir— In your article “Dawn Eden…

Campus Media Response: Abortion, Wallpaper and the Right to Property

Campus Pro-Life returns The Gauntlet The University of Calgary Madam— The issue at stake is not the right to free…

Broken Windows, Broken Principles

In spending its way to economic recovery, the government boldly casts principles aside Many Americans have experienced the adverse consequences…

Campus Media Response: “Sustainability,” The Unattainable Ideal

Going trayless and brainless, April 3rd, 2009 The Daily Princetonian Princeton University Sir— Your article questions the motives of "green"…

A Tax on the Pursuit of Happiness

President Obama’s first tax increase went into effect yesterday, in the form of the single greatest federal tax increase ever…

National Service Bill Makes ‘Volunteerism’ Compulsory

The Harrisburg (PA) Patriot-News recently published an excellent op-ed on the national service bill by TU editor Lucy Hugel. Hugel…

The Real Meaning of Earth Hour

Last night the lights went out at the Empire State Building, the George Washington Bridge in New York, Big Ben,…

Campus Media Response: Access to Water is not a Right

Thirsting After Sanity, March 26th, 2009 The Gauntlet The University of Calgary Sir— In your article you argue that by…

AIG Executives and Mob Rule

The recent bonuses paid to executives in the financial division of AIG have created a firestorm. In response to the…

AIG Witch Hunt

The continuing AIG controversy is a textbook example of blaming the market for the sins of government. Rather than allowing…