Welcome to The Undercurrent

Fall 2006

Reject Environmentalism, Not DDT

The World Health Organization has announced that it will encourage the use of DDT to fight malaria, a mosquito-borne disease…

The Religion of Peace

This September, in a speech at the University of Regensburg in Germany, Pope Benedict XVI quoted an ancient source that…

Freedom Versus Security: The False Alternative

What's more important: freedom or security? Since 9/11, we've heard this question in debates over issues ranging from the PATRIOT…

The Environmentalist Attack on Prosperity

It is startling that, after decades of false predictions about impending global doom, environmentalism is gaining strength and popularity in…

The Military Doctrine of Altruism

A New York Times editorial recently described the military skills our soldiers will need, to do what our politicians are…

Legalize The American Dream

Illegal immigrants are pouring into the United States. Pro-immigration rallies and anti-immigration rallies alternated with equal fervor this spring, while…

The U.S.-Israeli Suicide Pact

The Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah axis was fully responsible for initiating the war on Israel, but the Islamists' aggression was the logical product…

Defending the Selfish Choice: Abortion Rights and the Morality of Egoism

The Left is losing the abortion battle on all fronts. In politics, once militantly pro-abortion Democrats like Hillary Clinton are…

Not All Constitutions Are Created Equal

The American Constitution established individual rights as the founding legal and moral basis of this country. The result was a…

Joining Heart and Head: A Cure for the House, MD Blues

It is a common view that the quest for truth breeds misery-as echoed lately in viewer responses to House, MD.…