Welcome to The Undercurrent


Unlearning Individualism: The Lessons of Compulsory Education

Requiring people to attend school, over and against their (and their family’s) wishes teaches students that they should not trust…

We’re Now Taking Orders for the Spring 2014 Edition!

The newest edition of The Undercurrent is now available to order, and will arrive on your doorstep in the middle…

The Character Experiment: How Cultivating Moral Virtue Will Strengthen the Post-Grad Experience

University life presents more than just the opportunity to learn academic content and methods. It also presents a unique opportunity…

Who You are to Judge: A Response to Pope Francis and the Cult of “Tolerance”

Try as we may, we cannot abandon the necessity of judgment . . . The most we can do is…

Webmaster Internship: Apply Today!

Intern TU and get paid! Learn more about TU's Webmaster Internship, starting this spring!

The Morality of Self-Interest: Under the Surface Episode 4 (Final Episode)

  Under the Surface Episode 4: The Morality of Self-Interest from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. The Undercurrent is proud to announce…

Brave Innovators Deserve Freedom: The Moral Need for Immigration Reform

A moral economic system where people are free to immigrate, innovate and improve their own lives is also the kind…

We Should be Active-Minded, not “Open-Minded” about Political Controversies

Rather than lazily accepting someone else’s answers, we need to seek and find answers of our own. The answers might…

Of Zombies and Men: What the Apocalyptic Reveals about the Mainstream View of Wealth

Men are not zombies doomed to mindlessly consume their fellows. In a society where people are free to trade or…

Pride is a Celebration of One’s Achievements, Not Association with a Group

If gay people want to achieve full liberation from prejudice and to truly defend the rights of homosexuals, they must…