Welcome to The Undercurrent


Alan Greenspan is Not an Objectivist

Larry Breinhart of the Huffington Post and Barrett Sheridan of Newsweek are two of many commentators to use Alan Greenspan's…

Defending Property Rights—It’s No Day at the Beach

Thirty years ago, George and Sharlee McNamee purchased a beachfront house in California, hoping to create a home in which…

Hell on Earth and Good Will Toward Men

President-elect Barack Obama has announced his intention to present a “major” speech in the capital of a Muslim country soon…

Condemned By Democracy

Recently in Afghanistan a young man–Parwez Kambakhsh–was arrested, imprisoned, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death. After the death penalty…

Welcome to the Post-Danish-Cartoons World

The BBC News reports that, on the eve of its long-anticipated release, Sony recalled its latest video game, LittleBigPlanet, from…

Hope Your Medical Emergency Can Wait

President-elect Barack Obama has said he favors a single-payer health care system such as the one Canada has now. But…

Measure Q and the Lending Crisis in Education

The city of Los Angeles passed a $7 billion bond measure to refurbish public schools on Election Day. “Measure Q,”…

CEO Pay: Money Well Spent

CEOs, some declare, make too much money. The basic premise of this claim is that the ‘excessive’ pay is undeserved–-that…

The Latest Diplomatic Tactic: Make-Believe

North Korea has a long history of being a malevolent nation. The communist dictatorship was first placed on the State…

Give Peace a Chance?

The New York Times recently released a video about a group of Jewish and Arab teenagers in Jerusalem who have…