Fall 2008
If Only All The Goldman Partners Thought This Way
Over at the Huffington Post, former Goldman Sachs partner Greg Zehner writes that Ayn Rand foresaw the economic crisis the…
Blank-and-Effect: The Economics of Pragmatism
In the latest of a series of new government interventions into the economy, President Bush announced a new plan to…
A Stroke of Good Luck
Free countries, when faced with the incapacitation or even death of a leader, do not fold like a house of…
The Environmentalist Attack on Outdoorsmanship
This past summer, The Economist published an article ("Out of the Wilderness") pointing to a decade long trend of declining…
Protesting Prices
In July, rioters laid siege to several Pakistani stock exchanges to protest declining prices in the stock market. At…
The Bankruptcy of the Mixed Economy
Today's economy faces a long list of problems. We hear daily about high gas prices and inflation, of a battered…
Evaluating the War Effort
Part 1: Enemy Imagine that tomorrow the government confirmed with certainty the deaths of Bin Laden, his generals, and…