Welcome to The Undercurrent

Fall 2009

Campus Media Response: Who Broke American Healthcare?

Health care reform vital for all Americans Daily Illini University of Illinois Dear Editors, In your recent editorial, “Health care…

Campus Media Response: Jesus Would Support Obamanomics

Would Jesus Be A Capitalist? Emory Wheel Emory University Madam- In your article, “Would Jesus Be A Capitalist?” you describe…

Life, Liberty, and…Health Care?

Countless voices are claiming medical care is a right. Is it? Throughout the health care debate, Republicans and Democrats have…

From Guilt to Good

Guilt is often portrayed as a “healthy” emotion – is it? Does feeling guilty help make you a better person?…

Why Are We Losing?

Troop surges, tactical air strikes, and withdrawal and retreat. These are all terms Americans should be familiar with by now,…

Agenda of Truth

The national community-based group, ACORN, recently underwent some investigative journalism Sacha Baron Cohen-style. What the amateur journalist/actors/videographers found were several…

De Facto Censorship

In a recent letter to its customers, Medicare provider Humana urged its customers to contact their elected officials and express…

Mandatory Insurance, Shoddy Results

In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick praises his state’s health care program as…

Correcting the Concession of Labor Day

On September 7th Americans observed the holiday known as Labor Day. Many of them, not knowing its origins, enjoyed a…

A Tribute to Dr. Norman Borlaug and Man’s Capacity to Shape Nature

September 12th should be a global day of mourning. For that is the day that one of mankind’s greatest heroes…