Welcome to The Undercurrent

Fall 2012

John Allison’s Unconventional Wisdom about the Financial Crisis

So much for the assertion that the financial crisis was caused by the lack of regulations and government oversight. The…

Binders Full of Women: The Philosophy Breaking the Business Ladder

The idea that women as a class suffer from discrimination fails to see women as individuals, just as Romney’s comments…

Free Minds and Free Markets: An Interview with Don Watkins

WATKINS: The basic difference between our book and most political books is that ours is philosophic. We try to get…

Insulting Islam is Not “Asking For It”

Since the eleventh anniversary of September 11th, violence has erupted all over the Arab world, supposedly in response to a…

“Where Agriculture Meets Technology!” and Industry Meets Suspicion

Examples like the controversy over the data centers show that the deeper motive of the green movement is not the…

The Liberal Arts: Why Am I Here Again?

Rather than merely casting blame upon universities for poorly structured humanities programs, we ought to recognize that the full cause…

Critics of Romney’s Private Equity Work are Morally Biased

The White House also pushed GM into closing down many dealerships as a way of cutting costs. Yet critics of…

Ayn Rand: Decide for Yourself

In evaluating Ayn Rand, as with any subject, it is important for us to make our own decisions regarding the…

In Defense of Outsourcing: Hiring Abroad is Both Economically Practical and Morally Upright

You have the right to move from Manhattan to Brooklyn in order to lower your living costs. For the same…

We Shouldn’t “Give Back” What We Earned

The reason any individual deserves success is because of the simple fact that that individual uses his mind to produce…