Welcome to The Undercurrent

Spring 2009

Campus Media Response: Access to Water is not a Right

Thirsting After Sanity, March 26th, 2009 The Gauntlet The University of Calgary Sir— In your article you argue that by…

AIG Executives and Mob Rule

The recent bonuses paid to executives in the financial division of AIG have created a firestorm. In response to the…

AIG Witch Hunt

The continuing AIG controversy is a textbook example of blaming the market for the sins of government. Rather than allowing…

Stimulus Checks vs. Our Rights

President Obama has declared that "There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that…

No Bonuses = No Contract Law

Over the last few days Washington has been denouncing AIG for paying out retention bonuses to employees in its financial-products…

Who Should Pay for Autism Treatment?

Medical treatment for autism is exceedingly expensive. Many parents of autistic children take out a second mortgage on their homes…