Spring 2010
Campus Media Response: Are American Workers Threatened by Immigrant Workers?
In a recent column for the Harvard Crimson commenting on the dubious legislation in Arizona that would make it easier…
Campus Media Response: Everybody Draw Muhammad On Campus
Writing in opposition to the recently publicized “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day,” a show of solidarity for Trey Parker and Matt…
Asking Permission to Live
Within the confusion surrounding the immigration issue is a crucial moral question Much has been said about the recent Arizona…
On The Road to Ever-More Government Control
A California county recently banned fast-food restaurants from including toys in their kids' meals. The goal of this new ban…
The Great Health Care Squabble: A Battle of Ideas?
Are those who oppose health care reform simply racist? Or perhaps just trying to fill their unemployment-related free time? Two…
Is America Still the Land of Opportunity?
Writing in the New York Times, Thomas Friedman applauds a recent event honoring the finalists of Intel’s national science talent…
What Goes Around, Comes Around
In courting government power, Google faces its wrath Net neutrality advocates argue that the government should force large network service…
What Obama Should Say to Iran
Thirty years after the hostage crisis, Iranians are bravely challenging their government. Despite the theocracy’s attempt to crush these protests,…