Welcome to The Undercurrent

Winter 2005-06

The Bait and Switch of “Intelligent Design”

Legal and political battle lines have been drawn across the country over the teaching of "intelligent design"--the view that life…

Moral Values Without Religion

Does morality depend upon religion? Most people believe it does, which is a major reason behind the appeal of the…

Campus Media Response: Religious Tolerance Blights Campus Culture

Religion is becoming a political issue in the culture at large. Abortion, stem-cell research, euthanasia, homosexuality, intelligent design--even the "war…

Intelligent Design and the Philosophy of Make-Believe

The ongoing controversy over the teaching of creationism in public schools is portrayed by some as a battle between superstitious…

Objectivism in the Culture: A Man of Science Crusades Against Intelligent Design

Last December, a Pennsylvania Federal District court ruled that the Dover School District cannot teach "intelligent design"--the theory that the…

Chronicles of Narnia: Christian Sheep in Lion’s Clothing

The buzz about Christian propaganda couched in Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe seems to have…

The Case for Girly Beauty

I must confess, I love to go shopping. Although my meager grad student stipend doesn't generally afford outlandish spending sprees,…

Kudos to the Daily Illini

On February 9th, the Daily Illini at the University of Illinois published the controversial cartoons of Mohammed that have exploded…