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The Value of Atlas Shrugged

Originally published in 1957, Atlas Shrugged, one of the most controversial novels in American fiction, recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.…

Matter Over Mindlessness: Neo-Buddhism No Cure for Harvard’s Depression

In its usual capacity as scholastic trend-setter, Harvard University unleashed a strange phenomenon on academia last year: amid the marble…

How To Fully Support Our Troops

Whatever their views of President Bush's new "surge" of 20,000 soldiers, both liberals and conservatives continue to claim that they…

The Religion of Peace

This September, in a speech at the University of Regensburg in Germany, Pope Benedict XVI quoted an ancient source that…

Legalize The American Dream

Illegal immigrants are pouring into the United States. Pro-immigration rallies and anti-immigration rallies alternated with equal fervor this spring, while…

Defending the Selfish Choice: Abortion Rights and the Morality of Egoism

The Left is losing the abortion battle on all fronts. In politics, once militantly pro-abortion Democrats like Hillary Clinton are…

Joining Heart and Head: A Cure for the House, MD Blues

It is a common view that the quest for truth breeds misery-as echoed lately in viewer responses to House, MD.…

In The Name of Justice and the Right to Speak

We at The Undercurrent are writing in defense of the freedom of speech. The violent response to the Jyllands-Posten Mohammad…

Campus Media Response: Religious Tolerance Blights Campus Culture

Religion is becoming a political issue in the culture at large. Abortion, stem-cell research, euthanasia, homosexuality, intelligent design--even the "war…

Intelligent Design and the Philosophy of Make-Believe

The ongoing controversy over the teaching of creationism in public schools is portrayed by some as a battle between superstitious…