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Is There an ‘I’ in Team?

  The world celebrates sports, particularly team sports. Soccer matches are so contentious in Europe that it’s not uncommon for…

Can “Occupation” Be Peaceful?

By preventing ordinary citizens from going about their business, Occupiers are in effect protesting the “injustice” of laws that allow…

Don’t Blame Twitter for the “Post-Idea” Age

Writing in a recent New York Times Sunday review column, Neal Gabler takes note of the The Atlantic’s list of…

Steve Jobs’ “Philanthropy”: Only a Side-Effect

Only by focusing on enriching his own life has Jobs benefitted the lives of others Steve Jobs has been described…

Why So Unserious?

A piece in the The New York Times reviews a recent book by Lee Siegel, Are You Serious?: How to…

40 Years of Protecting Us from Ourselves

This week marks the 40th Anniversary of the "War on Drugs," first declared by President Richard Nixon, who subsequently created…

Why Obama is No Longer Cool on Campus

The Atlantic Wire carries a story about a recent poll by the National Journal showing that Obama's popularity ratings have…

Ayn Rand Contra Jesus?

In the wake of the release of the Atlas Shrugged movie, Ayn Rand's prominence in the culture has increased, and…

College, Because They Said So

How the blind emphasis of higher education is undercutting its value “I almost feel I’ve been lied to.” That’s how…

To Cultivate Civil Discourse, Encourage Intellectual “Polarization”

After the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, some left-leaning commentators were quick to suggest that the shooter must have been…