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Featured: Life

Advice from a Student Leader on Conference Culture

I remember my first OCON. Summer of 2014, I was 19 years old, I had never been to a conference…

Perfection vs. Productivity

I was recently talking to a teacher friend of mine, who was stressing before his first day with a new…

Set Yourself Apart

Set yourself apart. We’ve entered an interesting epoch in our history. We live in a time where there is an…

The Secret to Sticking with Things

Success and happiness require goals. And achieving goals requires a consistent routine. Specifically, a routine of action and productivity. The…

Pride & Productivity

I’m a student, which means (almost by definition) that I don’t have everything in my life figured out yet. Should…

Five Life Lessons from The Last Jedi

Did anyone else stay until the very end of the “reel” at Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I did. Not…