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Featured: Reports

A New Textbook of Americanism: STRIVE Q&A with Jonathan Hoenig

What does it mean to be American? The question appears to be a simple one, but pose it to a…

A Career in Film: Musings from Michael Paxton

How does an artist apply Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism to his life and work? How do you handle the…

Free Speech Under Attack: Dave Rubin, Steve Simpson and Flemming Rose Discuss

In 2005, Flemming Rose, then editor of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, published a series of cartoons that were critical of…

Objectivity and the News: A Conversation with Ben Bayer and Greg Salmieri

  “Some people follow the news as if it were sports. They have a team that they want to root…

Business and Ethics: A Conversation with Don Watkins and Greg Salmieri

  We all interact with businesses as customers, as employees, and some of us as owners. And despite the variety—whether…