Welcome to The Undercurrent

Government & Law

Uncle Sam Wants You … to Sacrifice

Barack Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, recently offered some advice to Americans: We left corporate America, which is a lot of…

Democratically Designed

Defenders of evolution are hailing recent pro-evolution revisions in the Florida State Science standards. Even though the revisions include compromises…

Anti-Smoking Paternalism: A Cancer on American Liberty

Across the country, state and local governments are banning smoking on private property, including bars, restaurants, and office buildings. This…

The Nature of Free Speech: An Interview with Dr. Onkar Ghate

With a little over a year having passed since the Danish cartoon controversy, free speech remains a central issue on…

Freedom Versus Security: The False Alternative

What's more important: freedom or security? Since 9/11, we've heard this question in debates over issues ranging from the PATRIOT…

Legalize The American Dream

Illegal immigrants are pouring into the United States. Pro-immigration rallies and anti-immigration rallies alternated with equal fervor this spring, while…

Not All Constitutions Are Created Equal

The American Constitution established individual rights as the founding legal and moral basis of this country. The result was a…

Domestic Security Secures our Demise

In recent months, Congress has raised concerns over the president's use of warrantless wiretaps and his approval of a proposed…

The Twilight of Freedom of Speech

To fathom our government's contemptible treatment of a handful of unbowed journalists, you must see the roots of that treatment…

Freedom From People of Faith

They call themselves "people of faith," and they are waging war against a basic principle of American government: the separation…