Welcome to The Undercurrent


Transforming Burnout with Selfishness

Flying to sunny California for OCON 2018 was the highlight of my summer. Leaving the humidity of New York far…

From Suffering to Exaltation: A Life Submission by Aleks Skica

I was born as a Catholic in Poland, a country where 94% of the population is also Catholic. Some of…

Advice from a Student Leader on Conference Culture

I remember my first OCON. Summer of 2014, I was 19 years old, I had never been to a conference…

Perfection vs. Productivity

I was recently talking to a teacher friend of mine, who was stressing before his first day with a new…

Set Yourself Apart

Set yourself apart. We’ve entered an interesting epoch in our history. We live in a time where there is an…

The Secret to Sticking with Things

Success and happiness require goals. And achieving goals requires a consistent routine. Specifically, a routine of action and productivity. The…

Pride & Productivity

I’m a student, which means (almost by definition) that I don’t have everything in my life figured out yet. Should…

Five Life Lessons from The Last Jedi

Did anyone else stay until the very end of the “reel” at Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I did. Not…