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What Gives Your Life Meaning?: Under the Surface Episode 2

Under the Surface Episode 1: What Gives Your Life Meaning? from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. The Undercurrent is happy to announce the release of its…

Reclaiming the “Self” in Self-Esteem

Any attempt to uphold “selflessness” as a moral standard guarantees the erosion of your self-esteem. . . . To attempt…

To “Lean In,” Women Must Abandon the False Moral Ideal of Selflessness

Psychologically, some women hold themselves back by believing that they must play the role of “nurturer,” a moral ideal which…

Who Sets Your Standards? Announcing the First Video in Our Fall Campaign

Our new video series, “Under the Surface,” features inspiring individuals who have put themselves first and achieved noteable personal and…

Free Minds and Free Markets: An Interview with Don Watkins

WATKINS: The basic difference between our book and most political books is that ours is philosophic. We try to get…

The Freedom to Commit to a Dream

The popular prejudice that tolerates the restriction of economic liberties but decries the violation of civil liberties is just that—a…

Fundamentally Adrift: Today’s Ideological Debates Require a Deeper Perspective

Only fundamental principles can provide an intellectual compass to guide our understanding of issues in a way that allows us…

Why Protest Inequality?: Unmasking the Deeper Motivation of the Occupy Movement

Why, in spite of massive evidence that profits motivate entrepreneurs to innovate in ways that enable so many of us…

A Moral Operating System: Software for Living

Damon Horowitz begins his recent TED presentation with the following question: What’s better, iPhone or Android? Nearly everyone in the…

From “Yes We Can!” to “Why Bother?”

Rescuing Idealism from Today’s Political Cynics Barack Obama energized an entire generation of young people in 2008 with his declaration,…