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To Love Or Not To Love Literature

This piece originally appeared in our Fall 2016 Magazine. In it, Celeste Hook, a freshman at Okanagan College in British…

On Free Will: An Interview with Onkar Ghate

...today we are bombarded with the perspective of determinism: that some combination of external facts, such as your upbringing, education,…

Taking Responsibility for Your Happiness

In anticipation for the Ayn Rand Student Conference this November, we tapped one of its speakers Gena Gorlin on the shoulder to…

Today, Order The Undercurrent’s Fall 2016 Magazine

  Dear Friend and Reader: Jon Glatfelter here, The Undercurrent's new Editor-In-Chief. It's almost time to flip the calendar to November,…

Mentorship Q&A Recap: A Conversation with Sunny Lohmann

STRIVE’s Online Mentor Q&A Program aims to provide students and career-oriented young people with opportunities to learn from real-world, active…

Ayn Rand Knew that “Virtue is the Currency of Love”

To Rand, the self is much more than a mere bundle of feelings—the self is the reasoning, choosing, valuing mind,…

To Win Your World, Risk It All

Fundamentally, self-confidence is a willingness to take action and fail, because a confident person understands that despite the possibility of…