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Business & Economics

China’s Growing Economy: a Value or a Threat?

China has reportedly overtaken Japan as the world’s second largest economy. Many react to China’s ascendance by warning that America…

Is America Still the Land of Opportunity?

Writing in the New York Times, Thomas Friedman applauds a recent event honoring the finalists of Intel’s national science talent…

What Goes Around, Comes Around

In courting government power, Google faces its wrath Net neutrality advocates argue that the government should force large network service…

Has the Free Market Failed?

The American economy is in a state of malaise. Stock and real estate prices have plummeted from their peaks in…

The Business of Healthcare

America’s ailing healthcare industry requires more freedom, not less The state of California has lost more than 90 emergency rooms…

Doing No [Business With] Evil

China, a country of over one billion people with arguably the world’s fastest growing economy, presents an attractive investment opportunity…

Less Isn’t More

The flawed logic of conservationism One can hardly escape the appeals to one of today’s most popular causes: conservationism. The…

Rhodes Scholars take the Road to Wall Street

Elliot Gerson, secretary of the Rhodes trust, points to an interesting trend: In the past thirty or so years, Rhodes…

Mandatory Insurance, Shoddy Results

In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick praises his state’s health care program as…

Sacrifice Before Solvency

Business schools fail their students by emphasizing altruism rather than the virtues of wealth-creation. With the global economy in tatters,…