Welcome to The Undercurrent

Government & Law

Whatever Happened to Suzette Kelo?

What do a wasteland full of weeds, Pfizer, and the Supreme Court have in common? The answer is the power…

Life, Liberty, and…Health Care?

Countless voices are claiming medical care is a right. Is it? Throughout the health care debate, Republicans and Democrats have…

Putting a Price on Freedom

The debate about today’s increasing push for government expansion focuses exclusively on cost, without evaluating whether such expansion is morally…

Thrifty Government?

In speeches and press releases, the president has claimed that by assuming greater control over the health care industry, the…

The Caretaker State?

"It will be hard," President Barack Obama acknowledged in a speech earlier this year to Congress.  But he added, "Let…

Can We Be Brainwashed?

Recently President Obama signed into effect a historic piece of legislation that greatly affects the tobacco industry and its customers. …

Is Health Care a Right? Answer The Question, Congressmen!

Of the many specials on health care that have been taking place these past few weeks, this recent PJTV forum…

Massive Legislation Based On Junk Science

On Friday, June 26, the House passed a Climate Change Bill that will “require the U.S. to reduce carbon dioxide…

In Defense of Liberty

More than 200 years have passed since the sons and daughters of liberty fought to cast off the yoke of…

Ask & You Shall Receive… a Tax Bill

It's a favorite refrain that the only things one can be certain of in life are death and taxes. But…