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Free Minds and Free Markets: An Interview with Don Watkins

WATKINS: The basic difference between our book and most political books is that ours is philosophic. We try to get…

Critics of Romney’s Private Equity Work are Morally Biased

The White House also pushed GM into closing down many dealerships as a way of cutting costs. Yet critics of…

Bailing Out Debtor States is Morally Bankrupt

When we move beyond the economic details, the Greek bailout boils down to a question of moral principle: should the…

A Proper Response to Joseph Kony Requires Independent Judgment, not Groupthink

Before people criticize those who support Kony 2012 in response to social pressure, they should ask themselves if they adhere…

Kansas Conservatives: Enemies of Individual Freedom in Healthcare?

Recently, Kansas has become a center of controversy between conservatives and liberals on the topic of health care regulation. The…

Campus Media Response: Capitalism: The Best Foreign Aid There Is

"Food aid policies are in desperate need of reform," reads the subtitle to Harvard student Thomas Hwang's recent article in…

Toddlers–Selfish or Selfless?

Are children naturally altruistic? A recent study seems to suggest so: “When infants 18 months old see an unrelated adult…

Rhodes Scholars take the Road to Wall Street

Elliot Gerson, secretary of the Rhodes trust, points to an interesting trend: In the past thirty or so years, Rhodes…

Sacrifice Before Solvency

Business schools fail their students by emphasizing altruism rather than the virtues of wealth-creation. With the global economy in tatters,…

The (False) Logic of Sacrifice

In his latest book, The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty, the philosopher Peter Singer claims…