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Ayn Rand

The Morality of Self-Interest: Under the Surface Episode 4 (Final Episode)

  Under the Surface Episode 4: The Morality of Self-Interest from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. The Undercurrent is proud to announce…

Spring 2014 Editorial Internship: Apply Today!

Write for TU and get paid $1000! Learn more about TU's Editorial Internship for the Spring of 2014.

“Rethinking Selfishness: Ayn Rand’s New Conception of Egoism,” a lecture by Dr. Onkar Ghate

Dr. Onkar Ghate's lecture explores how Rand challenges us to radically reconsider our beliefs about right and wrong.

What Gives Your Life Meaning?: Under the Surface Episode 2

Under the Surface Episode 1: What Gives Your Life Meaning? from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. The Undercurrent is happy to announce the release of its…

Who Sets Your Standards? Announcing the First Video in Our Fall Campaign

Our new video series, “Under the Surface,” features inspiring individuals who have put themselves first and achieved noteable personal and…

Free Minds and Free Markets: An Interview with Don Watkins

WATKINS: The basic difference between our book and most political books is that ours is philosophic. We try to get…

Ayn Rand: Decide for Yourself

In evaluating Ayn Rand, as with any subject, it is important for us to make our own decisions regarding the…

Free Books by Ayn Rand Available to Students

Because her philosophy inspires our articles, we wholeheartedly recommend our readers take advantage of this offer of free books by…

Check Out These Summer Opportunities to Learn about Ayn Rand’s Ideas

we are always enthusiastic to share news of opportunities to learn more about the Objectivist ideas that inform our editorial…

New Atlas Shrugged Documentary: Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

Through a series of interviews with prominent entrepreneurs and experts on Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, the new documentary Ayn Rand and…