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Barack Obama

Help! The ATMs are Stealing Our Jobs!

President Obama recently sparked controversy when he attempted to explain America's prolonged unemployment as a consequence of automated service technologies:…

Why Obama is No Longer Cool on Campus

The Atlantic Wire carries a story about a recent poll by the National Journal showing that Obama's popularity ratings have…

From “Yes We Can!” to “Why Bother?”

Rescuing Idealism from Today’s Political Cynics Barack Obama energized an entire generation of young people in 2008 with his declaration,…

What Obama Should Say to Iran

Thirty years after the hostage crisis, Iranians are bravely challenging their government. Despite the theocracy’s attempt to crush these protests,…

Obama’s Cynical View of Human Nature

President Obama has received praise from left and right for his speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. Commentators applauded Obama’s…

Life, Liberty, and…Health Care?

Countless voices are claiming medical care is a right. Is it? Throughout the health care debate, Republicans and Democrats have…

Obama, No Take-Backs

The Washington Post recently reported that the federal government has changed the rules of the $1 trillion program to relieve…

The Meaning of a Bow

Last week at the G-20 summit, President Obama came under much scrutiny when he bowed to the king of Saudi…

Broken Windows, Broken Principles

In spending its way to economic recovery, the government boldly casts principles aside Many Americans have experienced the adverse consequences…

AIG Executives and Mob Rule

The recent bonuses paid to executives in the financial division of AIG have created a firestorm. In response to the…