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Two Visions of the West

The following is a letter to the editor from Mohamed Ali, a student of Physics at the University of Rochester. …

Romney, the Race Card, and the Danger of Vague Ideas

Racism is wrong because it assumes that a person’s race (something he can’t choose) determines his character (which is determined…

Fundamentally Adrift: Today’s Ideological Debates Require a Deeper Perspective

Only fundamental principles can provide an intellectual compass to guide our understanding of issues in a way that allows us…

What Real Revolution Looks Like: Heroes Exemplifying New Moral Ideals Lead the Way to Freedom and Progress

It was not only fidelity to their stated ideals that made the leaders of successful revolutions great and their revolutions…

Campus Media Response: Don’t Be Content with Contentedness

Happiness neither requires conformity to social standards nor resigned contentedness, but rather a willingness to determine our own individual values…

Is There an ‘I’ in Team?

  The world celebrates sports, particularly team sports. Soccer matches are so contentious in Europe that it’s not uncommon for…