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Correcting the Concession of Labor Day

On September 7th Americans observed the holiday known as Labor Day. Many of them, not knowing its origins, enjoyed a…

How Obama Killed the Iran Election Protests

Protesters in Iran shocked the world with their response to the rigged election, while Iran's Revolutionary Guard appalled us with…

In Defense of Liberty

More than 200 years have passed since the sons and daughters of liberty fought to cast off the yoke of…

Ask & You Shall Receive… a Tax Bill

It's a favorite refrain that the only things one can be certain of in life are death and taxes. But…

The High Cost of a Free Lunch

Congress recently approved a new budget of staggering proportions. Weighing in at $3.6 trillion, the plan provides billions in allocations…

Campus Media Response: Access to Water is not a Right

Thirsting After Sanity, March 26th, 2009 The Gauntlet The University of Calgary Sir— In your article you argue that by…

Anti-Smoking Paternalism: A Cancer on American Liberty

Across the country, state and local governments are banning smoking on private property, including bars, restaurants, and office buildings. This…

Freedom Versus Security: The False Alternative

What's more important: freedom or security? Since 9/11, we've heard this question in debates over issues ranging from the PATRIOT…

The Moral Goodness of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

On August 6, 1945 the American Air Force incinerated Hiroshima, Japan with an atomic bomb. On August 9, Nagasaki was…

Don’t Be Evil, Google

In launching Google.cn on January 25th, the beloved search engine caved in to the Chinese government's demand that it block…