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There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch Buffet

A recent article in the journal The Objective Standard argues that laws which force health insurers to cover individuals, regardless…

Thrifty Government?

In speeches and press releases, the president has claimed that by assuming greater control over the health care industry, the…

Mr. Mackey on ObamaCare and Freedom

Supporters of President Obama's plans for healthcare "reform" have pledged to boycott the grocery chain Whole Foods.  They are in…

A Misinformed Public?

Across the country, people have been vehemently protesting Obama’s proposal for health care reform.  Thousands have gathered at town hall meetings…

Is Health Care a Right? Answer The Question, Congressmen!

Of the many specials on health care that have been taking place these past few weeks, this recent PJTV forum…

Ask & You Shall Receive… a Tax Bill

It's a favorite refrain that the only things one can be certain of in life are death and taxes. But…

The High Cost of a Free Lunch

Congress recently approved a new budget of staggering proportions. Weighing in at $3.6 trillion, the plan provides billions in allocations…

Who Should Pay for Autism Treatment?

Medical treatment for autism is exceedingly expensive. Many parents of autistic children take out a second mortgage on their homes…

Hope Your Medical Emergency Can Wait

President-elect Barack Obama has said he favors a single-payer health care system such as the one Canada has now. But…

A Tale of Two Economists

The New York Times recently published an op-ed by Paul Krugman on McCain’s healthcare plan. Krugman, an economics professor at…