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From Suffering to Exaltation: A Life Submission by Aleks Skica

I was born as a Catholic in Poland, a country where 94% of the population is also Catholic. Some of…

Triumph over Tragedy: The Tale of Adrianne Haslet-Davis and Hugh Herr’s Self-Dedication

By developing the same self-sustaining virtues, Herr and Haslet-Davis were able to improve their lives tremendously. Yet the virtue we…

Announcing TU’s Spring 2014 Campaign Event! A Debate entitled, “Is the Welfare State Just?”

Best-selling author and Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute, Don Watkins, will debate UW-Madison political scientist, Howard Schweber, on the…

The Character Experiment: How Cultivating Moral Virtue Will Strengthen the Post-Grad Experience

University life presents more than just the opportunity to learn academic content and methods. It also presents a unique opportunity…

Who You are to Judge: A Response to Pope Francis and the Cult of “Tolerance”

Try as we may, we cannot abandon the necessity of judgment . . . The most we can do is…

The Morality of Self-Interest: Under the Surface Episode 4 (Final Episode)

  Under the Surface Episode 4: The Morality of Self-Interest from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. The Undercurrent is proud to announce…

Of Zombies and Men: What the Apocalyptic Reveals about the Mainstream View of Wealth

Men are not zombies doomed to mindlessly consume their fellows. In a society where people are free to trade or…

Pride is a Celebration of One’s Achievements, Not Association with a Group

If gay people want to achieve full liberation from prejudice and to truly defend the rights of homosexuals, they must…

Marriage IS for You: A Response to Seth Adam Smith

In his viral blog piece “Marriage Isn’t For You,” Seth Adam Smith proposes that the best kind of love is selfless.…

“Rethinking Selfishness: Ayn Rand’s New Conception of Egoism,” a lecture by Dr. Onkar Ghate

Dr. Onkar Ghate's lecture explores how Rand challenges us to radically reconsider our beliefs about right and wrong.