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A Moral Operating System: Software for Living

Damon Horowitz begins his recent TED presentation with the following question: What’s better, iPhone or Android? Nearly everyone in the…

Campus Media Response: Break Free From Unchosen “Ties That Bind”

In a piece called "Ayn Rand is an Adolescent Sociopath", Eli Gottlieb of the UMass/Amherst Daily Collegianwrote: In recent times,…

Campus Media Response: Tea Partiers Need to Upgrade Their Moral Code

Writing in the Harvard Crimson, Luis Martinez recently offered a sober analysis of the prospects for victory by “Tea Party”…

Toddlers–Selfish or Selfless?

Are children naturally altruistic? A recent study seems to suggest so: “When infants 18 months old see an unrelated adult…

Campus Media Response: Holiday Materialism Serves Spiritual Needs

Consumerism masks true significance of Christmas The Daily Nebraskan, December 7, 2009 Dear editors, Monica Sanford rehearses the cliché that…

Obama’s Cynical View of Human Nature

President Obama has received praise from left and right for his speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. Commentators applauded Obama’s…

From Guilt to Good

Guilt is often portrayed as a “healthy” emotion – is it? Does feeling guilty help make you a better person?…

FDA Snuffs Out Safer Smoking Alternative

Millions of Americans choose to continue smoking despite known health risks. Presumably, the value they get from smoking is (rightly…

Campus Media Response: Thank Goodness Life is Fair

Drawing the line on study drug morality The Yale Herald Yale University Madam— In your article, "Drawing the line on…

Ayn Rand’s Non-Religious Conception of Morality

In our parents’ generation, academia was a bastion of secularism, and a threat to religion. Amid peace and love, political…