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Murdered Abortion Doctor’s Clinic Closes

Remember George Tiller, the recently murdered Kansas abortion doctor? Today we learned that his entire clinic, one of only a…

Yes, Religion Does Take Us Back into the Dark Ages

An Iraqi Muslim man on U.A.E. television recently proclaimed that the moon is half the size of the sun, that…

Faith and Reason: Friends or Foes?

“The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.” Like many before and after him, Benjamin…

Matter Over Mindlessness: Neo-Buddhism No Cure for Harvard’s Depression

In its usual capacity as scholastic trend-setter, Harvard University unleashed a strange phenomenon on academia last year: amid the marble…

The Religion of Peace

This September, in a speech at the University of Regensburg in Germany, Pope Benedict XVI quoted an ancient source that…

Campus Media Response: Religious Tolerance Blights Campus Culture

Religion is becoming a political issue in the culture at large. Abortion, stem-cell research, euthanasia, homosexuality, intelligent design--even the "war…