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Legislative Paternalism: How Toxic Laws Endanger Police and Civilians Alike

Not only does [paternalism] force officers to risk potentially life-threatening physical altercations . . . , it also forces those…

Freedom Means The Right to Make the Wrong Choice: The Case against Drug War Paternalism

So long as a person does not hurt anyone through the use of force, his decision to use a given…

Unlearning Individualism: The Lessons of Compulsory Education

Requiring people to attend school, over and against their (and their family’s) wishes teaches students that they should not trust…

Unpaid Internships Pay Much More than Minimum Wage

We all ought to be thanking companies for providing such learning experiences to young citizens rather than forcing them to…

The Right to Light: Don’t Let Washington Ban the Incandescent Bulb

The motive behind the [light bulb] ban exhibits the same collectivist paternalism seen in Anthem. As a consequence, the ban…

Governmental “Nudges” Undermine Freedom

EPA Grading scheme for vehicles distorts our ability to act on our own judgment The Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed…

Should You Be Allowed to Know What’s in Your DNA?

“You can’t handle the truth!” That’s the federal government’s latest message to Americans seeking to learn the content of their…

On The Road to Ever-More Government Control

A California county recently banned fast-food restaurants from including toys in their kids' meals. The goal of this new ban…

The Great Health Care Squabble: A Battle of Ideas?

Are those who oppose health care reform simply racist?  Or perhaps just trying to fill their unemployment-related free time?  Two…

Campus Media Response: Paternalism and the Dispute over Armed Protection

Editorial: Up in arms, April 13, 2009 The Daily Princetonian Princeton University Sir— Within your editorial, “Up in Arms”, you…