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Why So Unserious?

A piece in the The New York Times reviews a recent book by Lee Siegel, Are You Serious?: How to…

Toddlers–Selfish or Selfless?

Are children naturally altruistic? A recent study seems to suggest so: “When infants 18 months old see an unrelated adult…

Campus Media Response: Holiday Materialism Serves Spiritual Needs

Consumerism masks true significance of Christmas The Daily Nebraskan, December 7, 2009 Dear editors, Monica Sanford rehearses the cliché that…

A Tribute to Dr. Norman Borlaug and Man’s Capacity to Shape Nature

September 12th should be a global day of mourning. For that is the day that one of mankind’s greatest heroes…

Obama the Intellectual?

Some say we finally have a President who is a thinker. Do we? An “open, out-of-the-closet, practicing intellectual”—this was New…

Enforcing ‘Constructive Behavioral Change’

A group of college presidents has sparked debate by signing a petition urging the drinking age be lowered to 18,…