Welcome to The Undercurrent


Whatever Happened to Suzette Kelo?

What do a wasteland full of weeds, Pfizer, and the Supreme Court have in common? The answer is the power…

FDA Snuffs Out Safer Smoking Alternative

Millions of Americans choose to continue smoking despite known health risks. Presumably, the value they get from smoking is (rightly…

Capitalism In Crisis?

Capitalism is in crisis, claims Richard Posner on the pages of the Wall Street Journal today. This crisis happened, he…

Thug Rule in Washington

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis has sparked controversy in his recent testimony to regulators. Lewis has revealed that he…

The Republican Party’s Identity Crisis

In the aftermath of the substantial Democratic victory in last November’s election, Republicans nationwide are reported to be doing a…

The Moral Alternative to Government Regulation

When we hear the word “regulation,” most people immediately think of the government. After all, the government regulates nearly every…

The Helpless French Mind

A recent news article describes a new law in France which, if passed, will make it illegal to promote “extreme…