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Ayn Rand Knew that “Virtue is the Currency of Love”

To Rand, the self is much more than a mere bundle of feelings—the self is the reasoning, choosing, valuing mind,…

The Morality of Self-Interest: Under the Surface Episode 4 (Final Episode)

  Under the Surface Episode 4: The Morality of Self-Interest from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. The Undercurrent is proud to announce…

A Moral Operating System: Software for Living

Damon Horowitz begins his recent TED presentation with the following question: What’s better, iPhone or Android? Nearly everyone in the…

The Unselfish Actions of Today’s “Selfish” Men

Selfishness requires consideration for the long-range consequences of one’s actions. Over the past year, we have seen many highly-publicized instances…

Toddlers–Selfish or Selfless?

Are children naturally altruistic? A recent study seems to suggest so: “When infants 18 months old see an unrelated adult…

The (False) Logic of Sacrifice

In his latest book, The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty, the philosopher Peter Singer claims…

National Service: An Immoral Ideal

This spring the President signed into law The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act. You should pay special attention to…

Uncle Sam Wants You … to Sacrifice

Barack Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, recently offered some advice to Americans: We left corporate America, which is a lot of…