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welfare state

Ending the Debt Draft: Don Watkins Speaks out about the Welfare State’s Burden on Young People

The Undercurrent is sponsoring a debate between Watkins and Howard Schweber (of the University of Wisconsin and The Huffington Post)…

Is the Welfare State Just?: Howard Schweber says Yes, It is Fundamental to a Democratic Society

TU sat down with Howard Schweber to learn more about his views on the justice of the welfare state.

Announcing TU’s Spring 2014 Campaign Event! A Debate entitled, “Is the Welfare State Just?”

Best-selling author and Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute, Don Watkins, will debate UW-Madison political scientist, Howard Schweber, on the…

How Free Education Produces Undisciplined Minds

There have always been lazy students and unreflective parents, but there have not always been government standards and government money…

We Shouldn’t “Give Back” What We Earned

The reason any individual deserves success is because of the simple fact that that individual uses his mind to produce…

The Conservative War on Sex

The primary purpose of sex is not procreation—sex is an end in itself. . . . We are not mere…

Is America Still the Land of Opportunity?

Writing in the New York Times, Thomas Friedman applauds a recent event honoring the finalists of Intel’s national science talent…

The Republican Party’s Identity Crisis

In the aftermath of the substantial Democratic victory in last November’s election, Republicans nationwide are reported to be doing a…