
October 2009

Guilt is often portrayed as a “healthy” emotion – is it? Does feeling guilty help make you a better person? This is a question universities have recently been attempting to answer through psychological experiments. The results, according to researchers, demonstrate that guilt is essential in helping

Troop surges, tactical air strikes, and withdrawal and retreat. These are all terms Americans should be familiar with by now, especially considering the recently proposed U.S. surge in Afghanistan, which is justified as being “necessary to stabilize a deteriorating [military] situation” in the Middle East.

The national community-based group, ACORN, recently underwent some investigative journalism Sacha Baron Cohen-style. What the amateur journalist/actors/videographers found were several employees well-versed in and comfortable with fraud. The employees openly advised the actors, who pretended to want to start a brothel in order to raise

In a recent letter to its customers, Medicare provider Humana urged its customers to contact their elected officials and express their worries about the fact that the most recent healthcare bill would eliminate important services currently available to seniors under the Medicaid Advantage program. Humana