Welcome to The Undercurrent

A. Chambers

Prohibition Déjà vu

On August 19 The Wall Street Journal reported that serious organized crime had spread to one of the most affluent,…

Agenda of Truth

The national community-based group, ACORN, recently underwent some investigative journalism Sacha Baron Cohen-style. What the amateur journalist/actors/videographers found were several…

What Free Market?

From the beginning, most commentators agreed that this recession was caused by a failure of the free market. But an…

The Caretaker State?

"It will be hard," President Barack Obama acknowledged in a speech earlier this year to Congress.  But he added, "Let…

Condemned By Democracy

Recently in Afghanistan a young man–Parwez Kambakhsh–was arrested, imprisoned, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death. After the death penalty…

Could I Get a Hand?

I looked up at the bicycle box, a little perturbed. It sat high above my head on a shelf that…