Welcome to The Undercurrent


Letter From The Editor

Dear friends and readers, I’m writing this in a Starbucks up on Twin Peaks, a pair of giant foggy hills…

The Character Experiment: How Cultivating Moral Virtue Will Strengthen the Post-Grad Experience

University life presents more than just the opportunity to learn academic content and methods. It also presents a unique opportunity…

The Morality of Self-Interest: Under the Surface Episode 4 (Final Episode)

  Under the Surface Episode 4: The Morality of Self-Interest from The Undercurrent on Vimeo. The Undercurrent is proud to announce…

“Rethinking Selfishness: Ayn Rand’s New Conception of Egoism,” a lecture by Dr. Onkar Ghate

Dr. Onkar Ghate's lecture explores how Rand challenges us to radically reconsider our beliefs about right and wrong.

Why Stand Up For Yourself?: Under the Surface Episode 3

Subjects interviewed discuss conflicts they have faced with parents, coworkers, and mentors, and the attitudes they developed to live through…

Who Sets Your Standards? Announcing the First Video in Our Fall Campaign

Our new video series, “Under the Surface,” features inspiring individuals who have put themselves first and achieved noteable personal and…

The Liberal Arts: Why Am I Here Again?

Rather than merely casting blame upon universities for poorly structured humanities programs, we ought to recognize that the full cause…

Ayn Rand: Decide for Yourself

In evaluating Ayn Rand, as with any subject, it is important for us to make our own decisions regarding the…