Welcome to The Undercurrent


Pride is a Celebration of One’s Achievements, Not Association with a Group

If gay people want to achieve full liberation from prejudice and to truly defend the rights of homosexuals, they must…

The Conservative War on Sex

The primary purpose of sex is not procreation—sex is an end in itself. . . . We are not mere…

The Alternative to Non-Discrimination Law

In my previous post I argued that non-discrimination laws were immoral. But you might still wonder what we can do…

To Hire, and To Befriend. Should Government Have a Say?

Fairness. Individual rights. Equality under the law. These are all things we, as Americans, and more deeply, as human beings,…

Campus Media Response: False Alternatives are not Sexy

Dawn Eden Speaks at Aquinas House, February 27, 2009 The Dartmouth Review Dartmouth University Sir— In your article “Dawn Eden…

Could I Get a Hand?

I looked up at the bicycle box, a little perturbed. It sat high above my head on a shelf that…

Girls Gone Mild

An article in the New York Times titled "Students of Virginity" reports on the surprising number of "abstinence clubs" popping…

The Case for Girly Beauty

I must confess, I love to go shopping. Although my meager grad student stipend doesn't generally afford outlandish spending sprees,…

Sex, the Suburbs, and What Housewives Are Desperate For

Breaking every viewer record and emerging as the #1 primetime TV sensation, ABC's Desperate Housewives has been called the Sex…