Restore the Separation of State and School
When government involves itself in the production of knowledge, it curtails both our liberty to express our beliefs and our freedom to support institutions promoting what we believe.
When government involves itself in the production of knowledge, it curtails both our liberty to express our beliefs and our freedom to support institutions promoting what we believe.
we are always enthusiastic to share news of opportunities to learn more about the Objectivist ideas that inform our editorial perspective, especially opportunities for students. We’d like to pass along news of two great summer opportunities for students interested in learning more about Ayn Rand
The Undercurrent is currently recruiting two interns to join our growing team. One intern will join our administrative team, focusing on increasing our audience, and one will join our editorial team, focusing on the production of new content.
Through a series of interviews with prominent entrepreneurs and experts on Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, the new documentary Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged attempts to explain why the novel is so popular, and just how its predictions have come true.
Early in December The Undercurrent published a series of articles . . . analyzing and critiquing the Occupy Wall Street movement. . . . [T]he editors of TU have selected the very best excerpts from our pieces by Valery Publius, Elle Laine, and Nicholas Marquiss,