Ayn Rand: Decide for Yourself
In evaluating Ayn Rand, as with any subject, it is important for us to make our own decisions regarding the truth of her philosophy. Pick up one of her novels or essays and draw your own conclusions.
In evaluating Ayn Rand, as with any subject, it is important for us to make our own decisions regarding the truth of her philosophy. Pick up one of her novels or essays and draw your own conclusions.
Racism is wrong because it assumes that a person’s race (something he can’t choose) determines his character (which is determined by ideas he does choose). Since culture consists of ideas that many people choose to hold, it is legitimate and necessary to judge how those
It is just a game. Those athletes’ own trophies can’t fill your shelves. But games do mean something. Reflect on these athletes’ achievements and then be your own biggest fan—win in your own life.
The primary purpose of sex is not procreation—sex is an end in itself. . . . We are not mere animals, and it’s absurd to treat our sex lives as if we were.
Before people criticize those who support Kony 2012 in response to social pressure, they should ask themselves if they adhere to their own moral principles for similar reasons.
Racism was and is a part of American culture. Most of us have probably heard or even said a racist quip or a derogatory comment on the street, in the locker room or at the water cooler. “Oh, he’s black, he must have voted for
At first glance, the Ron Paul movement appears to be a step in the right direction for freedom. But does Paul really want, or understand, what a true move to freedom would entail?
It was not only fidelity to their stated ideals that made the leaders of successful revolutions great and their revolutions benevolent. The ideals themselves were admirable. There is something uniquely powerful about a revolution staged to defend the right of the individual to pursue happiness.
Through a series of interviews with prominent entrepreneurs and experts on Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, the new documentary Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged attempts to explain why the novel is so popular, and just how its predictions have come true.
Christmas has become a holiday known for its commercialism—and many recoil at this, claiming that commercialism is antithetical to the spirit of the holiday. From one side of our culture, advocates of religion tell us that holiday materialism distracts us from the true “reason for the